Creates this; see COA here
AWS s3 signature default= 9zul45vn0ewz2ijgs2c%2Bwn2qzffdrn2uwtw%2Bhfdseik%3D
from no HMAC_salt timestamp... comment out line 112 or 89 on other version
Get data to input/save in a new tab
Without any image input everything on this page, here
OR input everything on this page, here
To re-create the AWS s3 signature as above you needed the data input/save that created it..
^^^Copy this as, awss3payload.png , and use it for testing.
There are no aws secret keys within this PHP script, and no aws keys needed for this script :)
This site creates secret hash that AWS machine recreates to then accept users commands.
For general public use do not use any secret key value pairs in forms.
(access -- secret) --
hash_hmac exists
request-date=2025-02-17T17:43:03+00:00----shortDate=02-17T17----cred-SigningKey=02-17T17/us-west-1/s3//aws4_request----gmt-utc=Mon,17 Feb 2025 17:43:03 GMT
HMAC salt = key = null
OR HMAC_salt=
md5 hash of cred-SigningKey= d8560ce3711b1bba16435d018c08698c
sha1 64k hash of geraldkrug for fraudlabspro = fc0204f97cb5924f7f6739345ea54a6c82ec68ab
sha1 hash of cred-SigningKey= f0a45dc6ac620af5130874247610482bb8bd0869
test... sha256 of empty string must match below 999a901219f032cd497cadb5e6051e97b6a29ab297bd6ae722bd6062a2f59542
test... sha256 of empty string must match above 999a901219f032cd497cadb5e6051e97b6a29ab297bd6ae722bd6062a2f59542
****hashes match****
sha256 of empty string for aws on 20130708 = e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855
Todays new hashed HMAC_salt=77d01320f402e7310ed0c3a9592f31d2c1ff502436c8ada43adff0f00764d023
stringToSign= PUT
/geraldkrug/(filename with extension)
hmachash= 4ddf164ef6dcee874eae1dc97ab7fdeeaeb0ab7666c75155e9bf701719061c0e
hmacRawHash= 770cba77667859b4e81060c34feb96cc23ea5baabc84579afd13c0d9f17b1f7e
bin2hex= 34646466313634656636646365653837346561653164633937616237666465656165623061623736363663373531353565396266373031373139303631633065
Base64_Decode SGVsbG8 = Hello
AWS s3 signature= Td8WTvbc7odOrh3Jerf97q6wq3Zmx1FV6b9wFxkGHA4=
AWS s3 signature= td8wtvbc7odorh3jerf97q6wq3zmx1fv6b9wfxkgha4%3D
reverse AWS s3 signature then swap every other character...4=hakgfx9w6bfvx1zmq36w7qf9er3jrhdo7obctv8wtd
reverse AWS s3 signature then swap every other character... 4%3Dhakgfx9w6bfvx1zmq36w7qf9er3jrhdo7obctv8wtd
hmacHash is hashed and hashed again... ce958bb555d2a705bd9cc5f3a61a2186a87ad585916c9478ff7a3f5130c284a6
Properly do all fields then select a .png .gif .bmp or .jpg image by clicking the 'Browse' button and press 'Create API URL s3' to build your aws API URL ***>>>
if you inputted a url into the url fields above you can use the buttons belowform 2... do the, Create API URL s3, form twice...then do this form 2
string_to_sign below...all \r and \n removed / is %2F + is %2B = is %3D , is %2C : is %3A
sha1 poli-signature= Ej/Xi9oBAHhq6Gt29Q8BvRjkd/M=
sha1 poli-signature= ej%2Fxi9obahhq6gt29q8bvrjkd%2Fm%3D